This fortunate land inevitably gives birth to opportunities for beauty and culture,
nourishing mind, body and soul.
Ravello, from above, encloses the view and embraces the smells of the Amalfi Coast.
Terrace naturally carved into the sides of the Lattari mountains, it receives the sea breezes, getting inebriated by the smells of nature, from pines to lemons, from geraniums to strawberry trees.
Over time, and still today, many, illustrious and less so, have noticed it, because in Ravello everyone finds what he is looking for and, also, what is unexpected.

The coast and its pearls
Atrani, Amalfi, Positano, Cetara… charming sisters who preserve, together with Ravello, the philosophy of Beauty and Well Living, amidst nature, monuments and good food.
Names and places that evoke joyful stays in one of the most beautiful areas in the world, where the blue and fragrant sea, delicately embraces the emerged hills, as if to protect a precious beauty.
And right here…
On these brackish hills kissed by the sun, in this volcanic and nourishing land, the grapes that give life to the wines of our cellar take root. Ancient, cultured, wise grapes.